Why your cat suddenly pee on your couch? Find out now

If your cat suddenly stops using the litter box and cat peed on couch, it could be a sign of a medical condition. There are many potential diseases and disorders associated with not using a litter box. Here are some examples: 

Arthritis: This is a painful joint disease that usually affects older felines and makes movement painful. This may mean that it hurts them to get in and out of their crate, or maybe the trip is too long, so they find a quieter place...in bed! 

Urinary tract infections: Urinary tract infections cause cats to urinate frequently, so cats with urinary tract infections can have an emergency wherever they sit. In some cases, that could be your sofa. Additionally, UTIs make urination painful, which makes your cat less likely to use their litter box as usual. Bladder Stones: You can probably tell if your cat has a bladder stone because there is often blood in the urine and they have trouble urinating. It is very painful and an emergency situation that requires immediate treatment by a veterinarian. Feline Cognitive Dysfunction (FCD): FCD is common in older cats when the brain begins to deteriorate, leading to changes in memory and decreased consciousness. So cats with FCD may forget where their litter box is in your house or forget how to use the litter box! 

Many other health conditions are linked to litter box problems, so it's a good idea to take your cat in for a checkup. They can eliminate these problems or provide treatment if necessary.


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